Over the years, Houston’s passion for wrought iron doors has become increasingly evident. The bustling city is known for its stunning properties that feature eye-catching iron entry doors. If you’ve been struggling to increase your property’s curb appeal, we’ve created a guide to help you start off on the right foot!
1. Select Iron Front Doors That Complement Your Property
With a plethora of unique wrought iron door styles on the market, shortlisting the right option for your property can seem overwhelming, to say the least. If you’re finding it hard to narrow down your options, start by taking a good look at your property. In many cases, homeowners forgo this step and try to find a pair of iron doors that simplylook good. This is a big residential faux pas. No matter how stunning your entry doors may be, if they don’t complement the overall design and décor of your property, you’re in trouble.
We also suggest taking a quick look inside your home to get a good grasp on the interior style of your property. The last thing you want to do is opt for a pair of doors that belie what lies ahead (or should we say inside).
Once you’ve assiduously analyzed your property, start looking for iron doors with a similar style, color, and finishing. For instance, if your property is bathed in minimalist design, look for a minimalist wrought iron door. If your home features bohemian décor, look for an eclecticiron door. This congruence will go a long way in helping you boost your property’s curb appeal.
Recommended Read:Does Your Front Door Need A Replacement?
2. There’s No Such Thing as Too Much Scrollwork!
Houston jumped on the scrollwork bandwagon in 2020, and it doesn’t seem like it’ll be jumping off any time soon! Treat your property to a pair of wrought iron entry doors with intricate scrollwork. You have free rein here. Browse through different styles of scrollwork until you find the perfect design for your iron doors. For an added touch of oomph, place potted plants near your embellished iron doors. The vivid greens will revitalize your doors and significantly increase your property’s curb appeal.
3. Opt for Bold & Black Iron Entry Doors to Make an Impact
When it comes to entry doors, you should always opt for deeper hues. While you may feel tempted to indulge in white entry doors, you’ll end up making your property appear banal, forgettable, and dull. Bold and black iron front doors make a powerful statement and instantly catch the eye. Create contrast by opting for light exterior colors.
Recommended Read:Reasons to Invest In Iron Doors
4. Indulge in Matching Sidelights
Houston is big on sidelights, and it’s easy to see why. They instantly make the exterior entryway appear more engaging, compelling, and exciting. Moreover, they illuminate the surrounding area to further boost your property’s curb appeal. Now, this is where many homeowners get things wrong. As stated earlier, congruence should be one of your top priorities when working on any residential project.
As a rule of thumb, invest in sidelights that closely match the color, style, finishing, and detail of your entry doors. While you can opt for variegated lighting fixtures for other exterior spaces, make sure you prioritize congruence when picking out sidelights. Mismatched sidelights will make your property appear haphazardly undone. Browse through Pinky’s Iron Doors’ sidelights to find the perfect pick for your home.
5. Use an Iron Door Spray
Struggling to maintain your iron door? Invest in a high-quality iron door spray. Over time, your door may naturally manifest signs of damage. However, you can prevent a significant amount of damage by protecting it. Using an iron door spray will ultimately help you retain your property’s curb appeal in the long run.
6. Install an Eye-Catching Transom
If you’re willing to go the extra mile, treat your entry door to a stunning transom that checks off all the boxes. Over the past two years, transoms have made a big comeback in Houston. Before you get started, make sure you browse through different designs to shortlist your options accordingly.
When selecting the right transom for your home, steer clear of hastiness at all costs. Instead, take your time and make an informed decision. This will help you choose a transom that perfectly highlights your iron front doors and makes your exterior entryway appear more luxurious.
About the Author
The author designs wrought iron entry doors for Pinky’s Iron Doors. With over 42 years of experience, the company is adept at designing and manufacturing a wide range of affordable doors, including single iron doors, double iron doors, steel sliding doors, pocket steel doors, iron patio doors, steel French doors, custom iron doors, custom steel doors, and more. They deliver doors and windows across Houston, Texas.
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