When beautifying the building exterior, the roof is a significant part to focus on to achieve maximum results. There are different kinds of roofing materials and structures that one can choose from to get a roofing result that matches their needs and objectives. Working with an expert roofing contractor gives an added advantage to the roofing results that one achieves at the end of the service. One of the roofing options is roof tile, which provides roof tile clients with several options to choose from. The roof tile provides immense benefits to building owners, adding aesthetic value to their buildings, making them stand out in various neighborhoods, and improving their building values. The various tile roofing options available include:
Barrel tile
There are several barrel roofing tiles to choose from having a convex and barrel-like shape hence their name. Based on their historic designs, barrel roofing has been divided into two design origins: Spanish roof tile and Mission tile. The Spanish roof tile has a simple one-piece barrel design that offers a distinctive ripple pattern across the roof surface. The patterns come similar to roof clay tiles working perfectly with any architectural style. On the other hand, the mission tile offers a high-profile barrel that creates distinctive shadows, enhancing the roof’s entire look with the sun’s movements and making the texture and style a great look. The covers get laid in three options depending on the client’s needs, such as the straight rows, staggered, and motor boosted, producing a rustic look.
Shingle tile
Shingle tile comes in several textures, which assists in the revamp of the building’s architectural style and profile. The texture on the shingle tiles minimizes the glare that reflects from the shingle tiles and gives room for the actual colors to become visible. The textures get applied by hand, allowing every shingle to have a different appearance, hence giving clients multiple options to choose from. The roof tile option allows custom styles to get applied to meet the unique needs of every client, making it work perfectly well to turn the client’s dreams into a reality.
Interlocking roof tile
Interlocking roof tile has classic aesthetics, giving the client’s home an aesthetic appearance and an easy installation process. The interlocking channels make the installation process very easy, and it comes in several sizes, textures, and a variety of dimensional and flat profiles. The interlocking roof tiles include the Americans 14″, 16″, and 14″, among others.
Shake roof tile
Shake roof tile is a cedar roofing option with pressed grooves, scratching, and rigged butts that replicate the appearance of wood shake. The shake roof tiles provided to clients come with several advantages, including being walkable, noncombustible, and having a grade 1 ASTM certification with a minimum of 2% water absorption rate.
Every client has varying roofing needs, which roofing contractors aim to achieve in various ways. Tile roofing gives building owners several options and benefits to make their building dreams a reality.